
To listen back to my appearances on TNT Radio, please click here

The Apocalypse and the Gospel, 9 December 2023

Interview with Kathy Gray on COVID data in Northern Ireland for WTP TV [released 3 December 2023]

The Power of the Whistleblower, speech at VIBS NI launch event, 19 August 2023

Israel, the Apocalypse and the Gospel, live podcast with Loving Life TV, 7 December 2023

Kathy Gray's presentation for Pandata

Loving Life TV with Andrew Heron, 10 April 2023

Conference Presentations

CRITICAL Health Warning to UK Church on Bivalent Wuhan/Omicron Boosters, 4 September 2022

Fired up for Freedom, the Tony Legend Show

Part 1: God or Government?

Part 2: God or Government?

The Jist [Disclaimer: This video contains very strong language!]

Personal Messages

Urgent Message to the Church, 20 Sep 2021

The Severity of the Times, 11 Oct 2021

The Name and Number of the Beast?, 23 Oct 21

Rallies outside City Hall, Belfast, where I have spoken